Swift remove element from array by value
var array = [1, 2, 3]
array.remove(at: 0) // array is now [2, 3]
var array = ["hello", "world"]
if let index = array.firstIndex(of: "hello") {
array.remove(at: index) // array is now ["world"]
var array = ["hello", "world", "hello"]
if let index = array.firstIndex(of: "hello") {
array.remove(at: index) // array is now ["world", "hello"]
var array = ["hello", "world"]
array.removeAll { value in
return value == "hello"
// array is now ["world"]
Remove instances of an object from an Array in Swift – Donny Wals
Arrays in Swift are powerful and they come with many built-in capabilities. One of these capabilities is the ability to remove objects. If you want to remove a single, specific object from an Array…
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